'Sekolah mane?'
'sekolah biasa je, tu seberang jalan depan ppd.'
''ohh. ingat sekolah agama.'
even though it has been almost 5 years, people still ask me this questions. the conversation would end with a weird expression from people who ask me this kind of question. What's with the expression?
teruk sangat ke for me to study over there not in a sekolah agama?
Don't I deserve to be there, in that school?
Ramai yang cakap saya tak macam salah seorang pelajar sekolah tu. Jap, memang kena jadi sespesies ke semua tu, yang semua sama trend, style. or maybe dekat dahi kena ada cop rasmi sekolah sekolah?
Do you guys expect in that school we don't have Islamic educations?
we might not have a complete islamic environment and kitorang mungkin tak dapat education of Islam straightly. and that what makes us different.
this is my opinion about this issue.
- Situation kitorang lagi tough dalam nak discovering Islam because we don't have a real islamic environment and the knowledge about Islam won't come straight towards us and rolling all over the places. We have to find it ourselves. If you are strong, memang stail tak mudah terpengaruh, seriously you will get through it. If you style yang rebel memang mudah tumbang.
- with this situation yang kitorang kena usaha dengan sendiri untuk feed our souls, the thing we discovered, yang kitorang alami memang lagi terkesan. Once dah kena, memang ingat. Kitorang tak didedahkan dengan hadis hadis, ayat-ayat al-Quran but once we had found those things, it is easier for us to remember it cus for us that thing is new, lagi senang nak masuk dalam jiwa ni.
bukan lah, saya nak judge yang sekolah bukan agama ni tak elok atau terlebih elok dan sekolah agama ni lebih elok atau tak elok. Bukanlah nak letak standard sekolah yang bukan ber'based' kan agama ni memang pelajar pelajar dia agama dia rapuh, no. Both have pros and cons.
cuma, tolong jangan buat weird expression tu bila jawapan kami tidak menepati citarasa anda. Kami bangga dengan tempat kami menuntut ilmu.
Tempat kami mungkin membezakan tanggapan kalian, merendahkan
expectation kalian tapi in the very first basic thing, nothing differ
We are just muslims.