Why do
the song ‘rain rain go away’ does exist?
Rain, rain go away
Come again
Another day.
I think
almost all kids were taught this song, right parents? Even I am. Well, perhaps
we could teach those kids something better than this song. Teach the kids the du’a during rain,
Allahumma soyyiban nafi’a. The rain is a gift from Allah, in different form.
It’s not like in every gift from Him, there’s only goodness, no flaws at all?
The money that you got has its badness. But do not take the disadvantages as
punishment, bad lucks; you name it. It is still a gift in the form of reminder,
warning to you to realize about the message from your god. That’s it.
It has been raining like the whole week in here and thank
god, no flood yet at the moment. I am enjoying this raining season so much.
Aha. Not being alone, of course..... cus I have my current reading list :D
Having two months off school is just like heaven for us and
the routine during the months is predictable. Well, Malaysian students are easy
to read. No lies. Their routine would be somewhat like this:
Waking up late, probably taking breakfast or brunch
or maybe lunch (at this level it is counted as 2 in 1)
Watching tv, boring programmes – switch off,
turn to internet – here , the internet would drag ones into a virtual life,
they’ll skip eating, sleeping, working and ignores the real life for hours, critical
period is 4 -8 hours.
Reading novels and tearing up.
Hanging out at malls
Sleeping all the time.
I don’t say it is exactly like that, but most probably I hit
one or two point right. I have my routine, but not so critical till I have created
another life in the virtual connections. Nope. I surf the internet but I have
my own limits, not exceeding it yet. Maybe for students that will be sitting
the big exams when the schools open, their schedules are packed with tuition,
subjects tutoring and etc. But chillax, when they got home, ohh babehh it’s
time for me to onlineee.
Do I have something different with my routine? Kinda, I
guess. At least, I am still sane not to sleep most all the time. I want my
holiday is a productive one, not a waste. *but I still wasting 60% of it* So, I
have created this one list – CURRENT READING LIST.
I am a bookworm, so I love books. I can read for hours
nonstop... and there’s exceptional for textbooks which I can’t. It’s not books
like typical-malay-novels (love, romance, full of conflicts, etc). I do admit
that I read that kind of books long time ago but not anymore. I prefer to read
inspirational, motivational, English novels – family, sisterhood, friendships,
and religion books.
It would be awesome, to curl in your warm blanket during
this cold weather and enjoy your reading with hot drinks and snacks. SO
NICEEE... but nah, it is no good to eat while lying down.
In my Current Reading List (CRL), I got Aku Terima Nikahnya
written by Ustaz Hasrizal and I have to close the book and put it aside, I am
sorry T_T This is all because this!
Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed. Got this as a present
from my big sister who is currently studying abroad, pray for her that Allah
will ease her study ^^ Thank you for this greatest gift, I never thought about
having this book so early after it release, never feel that I will be able to
have this book with me now. I think Allah has answered my prayer, since I’d
prayed that I will be able to read this book one day hehe.
I am still reading the first chapter and me already falling
in love with her words. It is written in a simple English language which I
think my little juniors can understand what is in the book, the message. You won’t be losing so much when reading it cus
the example of ayah that is being discussed is already included with
translations and the explanation of it.
This book is about life (as far as I am reading now), our
relationship with our god, love, people, things that we never realized the main
purpose of it happening. This book is yet not a best-selling book, it will be
one day and I highly recommend you guys to get a copy of this Reclaim Your
Heart, even Aiman Azlan recommended the same.
If you guys think that you’re not ready to spare your time
reading English sentences, line by line. Don’t worry! I will give you the list
of recommend books, best-selling books perhaps. If you do not know where to
find and having difficulties to get yourself a copy of these books, I can
borrow some of them, schoolmates, my kampung-mates. Try to ask anyone around,
who knows they have the books ^^
I would recommend you to read Hilal Asyraf’s books.
Sebelum Aku Bernikah
Langit Ilahi I
Langit Ilahi II
Langit Ilahi III
The conclusion is, read all his books. No regrets, no doubt.
And and and, if you guys would prefer for online reading
list, I also have maaa. The blog list of mine!
For more santai, lepak style with rules of jiwangness, you
guys could join Inche Gabbana in his writing. He’s using simple, fun and cool
language and the reading is light.
To feel the experience of a study in Canada, catch up with
Aiman Azlan. He got his word perfectly placed, seriously. A light writing tho
and for more live version, if you want a face to face session with him, check
out his videos on Youtube.
http://aimanazlan.com *click for more aha.
He writes books. He does blog. He does the videos. So he is,
Hilal Asyraf. I got too many to describe about the website, so I skip. You guys
can order his books here, read his posts and also other writers’, It is more
about religion stuff and don’t take it hard when you first hear ‘RELIGION STUFF’
ignore the word, go check his website first and you’ll find something great.
I read Hami Asraff’s too. Sometimes, there are bloggers who
writes till we the readers can feel the tense, and pressure flowing through
from the writer to his writing then flow into our body. But not Hami Asraff la.
His writing is light, easy to understand. I don’t feel so tensed when reading
his posts so why you guys have a visit to his blog?
Those are most recommended blogs from me lah. If you guys
don’t have your own list, you guys can try mine.
Anyways it’s all about how you spend your holiday
productively. Make your holiday worth to spend not a dead holiday. Cuti ada 6
minggu and you spend the whole 6 weeks by sleeping and eating and once the
holiday has ended, you jadi badak air with diabetes and obesity. Live your
Last but not least, all the best to PMR 2012 candidates, I
wish that your effort is paid off kiddos! If you didn’t achieve your target,
it’s okay lah. It’s not the time yet for you to grab the straight a’s maybe you
have to improve and Allah is holding it for you not keeping it away from you,
mind that. Look back in three years learning, maybe the effort was not enough
for you to grab your dream, how can a bird fly with one wing? It needs a pair
of it. The most important is, be thankful no matter what. Once you have the
result, do sujud syukur as you guys have passed one torturing level, getting
your results after the waiting kan? Do better in the next day, it is never
written that you will never shine. Everyone shines, everyone writes their own
history and that is why ‘the rest is history’.
Oh yeah, I’ll be away for a few days and maybe I won’t be
updating so much, perhaps on twitter.
Be safe and take